Tahsim Durgun: “Mama, please learn German”
Hundreds of thousands of followers adore his dryly cynical satire videos about the realities of post-migrant life in Germany. As the host of the discussion series “Tahsims Interview Format”, he regularly chats with famous guests. And now Tahsim Durgun has written his first book: Mama, bitte lern Deutsch [“Mama, please learn German”], in which shares his experiences of attempting to integrate in a closed society. With intelligence, poetic and powerful language and humor, he portrays what it is like for a child of immigrants – taking on responsibility for one’s parents from an early age and simultaneously trying to find one’s place in an often hostile country. Against the backdrop of his life story as part of a Kurdish-German family, he reckons with German bureaucracy and shows deep respect for his mother and her accomplishments, which always remain invisible to German society.
Host: NN
Sarah Brasack
Sarah Brasack, geboren 1979, ist stellvertretende Chefredakteurin des… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.
Tahsim Durgun
Tahsim Durgun was born in Oldenburg in 1995 and studied to become a… This text was shortened for this overview. Follow the more-link to read the full text.

Event data
27. March 2025
17:00 -
Pre Pre sale price (fees excluded) 20 €
Eve Evening fund price 20 €
Volksbühne am Rudolfplatz
Aachener Straße 5
Köln-InnenstadtPlease follow the checkroom instructions.
Bitte Garderobenhinweise beachten.
- Available Wheelchair friendly + toilets
- Available Assistance dogs welcome